hi! I am front end developer from guwahati.

Kuch mere projects mein list down kare hai, ALL CUSTOM DESIGNS & COMPONENTS :

https://rurunovels.web.app/ (PC Version hai novel reading platform, still improving)

https://ruru-nft.netlify.app/ (NFT platform where users can mint nfts, listing and buying adding on progress)

https://decibl.live/ (Built it for a client with my cousin as the backend dev)

https://avanta.ai/ (Product Landing Page, uses GSAP and onscroll Frame Animation)

Some Frontend projects which are mostly to showcase my design and UI skills : PC Only MANY HAVE ONLOAD ANIMATIONS PLS DONT MISS THEM : https://autosculpt.netlify.app/ https://spidey-ui.netlify.app/ https://apex-legends-ui.netlify.app/ https://olivia-anderson.netlify.app/ https://daily-portfolio.netlify.app/ https://cafe-racer-bmw.netlify.app/ https://fjallraven.netlify.app/ (product creative cart page) https://cold-brew.netlify.app/ https://beauty-of-nature.netlify.app/ https://sung-jin-woo.netlify.app/ https://planet-desert.netlify.app/ https://alphine-green.netlify.app/ https://urb-ui.netlify.app/ https://joker-ui.netlify.app/ https://avengers-ui.netlify.app/ https://grenade.netlify.app/ https://news-ui-hank.netlify.app/ https://v-arch.netlify.app/ (responsive) https://lin-ked.netlify.app/ (responsive)

I have many more, but I just wanted to share some landing pages with cool and unique designs, some of the designs were picked from pinterest, behence and dribbble. These are built in prolly a few hours at max.

Thank You, Joydeb https://x.com/r_joydeb